This section explores trends across the globe, as seen by a different perspective.
The Italian
Project: A Cross Cultural Encounter By Charles loVerme Modern Italy is being influenced by American popular culture, particularly the 20th century art forms of cinema, television, the Internet, music and celebrity. The last decade has especially been a time of social paradox: integration has often meant separation with apparent losses of individuality and cultural identity. As an Italian-American, and one who has twice traveled to my ancestral village, this project investigates this new hybrid Italian identity contrasted with what I know and appreciate of traditional Italian societies. The photographs are an intimate look into a group of Italian hipsters as they reflect the cultural changes taking place in contemporary Italy. By shooting up close I want the viewer to find insight and meaning solely through the peoples apperances in the photographs. They are part of the modern milieu that is contemporary Italian culture as they grapple with feelings of place and displacement in modern Italy. - MORE -
Photos by Charles loVerme |
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